Marrow with dried shrimps (西葫蘆煮蝦幹)

Marrow is a great substitution to the Chinese gourds, which is not always available where we live. You can pretty much put dried shrimps or presunto (Portuguese pancetta) in the dish with the marrow. We frequently have marrow as a side vegetable dish and it goes with most dishes.


1 marrow

A handful of dried shrimps

2 cloves of garlic


Chicken powder

Chinese ShaoXing wine

Preparation time: 5 min

Cooking time: 10 min

Total time: 15 min


  1. Peel the marrow and cut into chunks.
  2. Heat some oil in a wok and brown the garlic.
  3. Brown the dried shrimps.
  4. Add the marrow and add a splash of Chinese ShaoXing wine.
  5. Add half a teaspoon of salt and a teaspoon of chicken powder.
  6. Add a splash of water and cover the wok to cook the marrow for 5 min.


  • Chicken powder in marrow may sound weird but it works!